Prof. Zhaoxiang BIAN

Contact Information
Tel: 3411 2905
Email: bzxiang@hkbu.edu.hk
Associate Vice-President (Chinese Medicine Development) Tsang Shiu Tim Endowed Chair of Chinese Medicine Clinical Studies Director and Chair Professor of Clinical Division, School of Chinese Medicine Director, Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Study Centre Director, Centre for Chinese Herbal Medicine Drug Development Limited Associate Director, Mr. & Mrs. Ko Chi Ming Centre for Parkinson's Disease Research Director, The EQUATOR China Centre Associate Director (Clnc Studies), Golden Meditech Centre for NeuroRegeneration Sciences Associate Director, Hong Kong Traditional Chinese Medicine Phenome Research Centre Associate Director, Hong Kong Baptist University Joint Centre for Pain Research Programme Director, Master of Science in Personal Health Management (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Bian Zhaoxiang was educated in Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology and Guangzhou University of TCM, and was conferred the Ph.D. degree in Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in 1994. After graduation, he engaged in clinical and basic research in digestive diseases in Guangzhou University of TCM. Under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme of HKSAR, he moved to Hong Kong Baptist University in 2001. Prof Bian's research focuses mainly on the relationship between psychological stress and digestive diseases, especially focusing on the development and recurrence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and colorectal cancer. Major research topics involve: 1) Basic mechanism of visceral hyperalgesia and gastrointestinal motility disorder and its associated depression; 2) Psychological stress and colorectal cancer; 3) Clinical trial with Chinese medicine for digestive diseases, including IBS, IBD, functional constipation and colorectal cancer ; 4). New drug development based on Chinese herbal medicine and its active fraction for digestive diseases. He was awarded second prize of National Science and Technology Award of China in 1999. Currently, Prof Bian serves as Director of Clinical Division, School of Chinese Medicine, and Associate Vice-President (Chinese Medicine Development) of HKBU.
Project Highlights
Media Coverage
- 幼年生活壓力誘發腸易激
- 云爾錄 : 童年壓力大 易患腸易激癥
- 壓力誘發腸易激 宜從小教抗逆
- HKBU discovers mechanisms underlying early life stress and irritable bowel syndrome
- Mechanisms underlying early life stress and irritable bowel syndrome discovered
Embracing Health
A rapidly aging population places a growing burden on healthcare systems. To help address this impending challenge and lessen the load on Hong Kong's medical sector, the School of Chinese Medicine at HKBU collaborated with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to establish a Chinese Medicine Disease Prevention and Health Management Centre to promote preventive healthcare, Read More
Research & Impact@HKBU Issue 01, Knowledge Transfer Office, HKBU (2020)
View More: News, Research Projects