HKBU presents President’s Award for Outstanding Performance to distinguished academic staff in recognition of teaching and research excellence
Professor Roland Chin (fourth from left) congratulates the winners of the President's Award for Outstanding Performance (from left) Professor Xu Jianliang, Dr Zhang Hongjie, Dr Kevin Yue, Dr Tu Feng, Dr Krzysztof Sliwinski, Dr Gary Wong and Dr Celine Song.
HKBU presented today (12 April) the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance to eight academic or teaching staff to recognise their brilliant performance in teaching or research, promoting excellence in performance standards and encouraging colleagues to make greater achievements. Professor Roland Chin, President and Vice-Chancellor, congratulated the award winners and presented the awards.
The awardees were:
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching
Dr Krzysztof Sliwinski, Associate Professor of the Department of Government and International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences
Dr Tu Feng, Principal Lecturer of the Teaching and Research Division, School of Chinese Medicine
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work
Professor Xu Jianliang, Professor of the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science
Dr Zhang Hongjie, Associate Professor of the Teaching and Research Division, School of Chinese Medicine
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Service
Dr Noel Siu, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, School of Business
Dr Kevin Yue, Associate Professor of the Teaching and Research Division, School of Chinese Medicine
President’s Award for Outstanding Young Researcher
Dr Celine Song, Assistant Professor of the Department of Journalism, School of Communication
Dr Gary Wong, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science
For details on the award recipients, please visit: http://paward.hkbu.edu.hk/2017/.
In his remarks, Professor Roland Chin said that our faculty and staff members, imbued with HKBU’s “DNA” qualities of care and compassion, creativity and global outlook, should take credit for the University’s success. The University will soon announce its 10-year strategic plan which will be about nurturing and recruiting talents, and enlisting support from alumni and friends. He trusted that staff members will continue to dedicate themselves to taking HKBU to new heights and fulfilling the University’s aspirations.
On the same occasion, the Faculty/School Performance Award, the General Education Teaching Award and awards of Reward and Recognition Scheme for Non-teaching Staff were presented. The awardees were:
Faculty/School Performance Award in Teaching
Dr Carmen Lam, Lecturer of the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science
Ms Leung Man-fong, Senior Lecturer of the Language Centre, Faculty of Arts
Dr Vincent Wong, Senior Lecturer of the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division, School of Continuing Education
Dr Davy Wu, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accountancy and Law, School of Business
Faculty/School Performance Award in Scholarly Work
Professor Huang Xu, Professor of the Department of Management, School of Business
Professor Vivian Sheer, Professor of the Department of Communication Studies, School of Communication
Professor Zhang Hongsheng, Chair Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts
Faculty/School Performance Award in Service
Professor Kineta Hung, Professor of the Department of Communication Studies, School of Communication
Dr Vicky Lee, Senior Lecturer of the College of International Education, School of Continuing Education
Dr Cissy Li, Senior Lecturer of the Language Centre, Faculty of Arts
Professor Ken Yung, Professor of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science
Faculty/School Performance Award for Young Researcher
Dr Rocky Chen, Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing, School of Business
Dr Wong Chuen-fung, Associate Professor of the Department of Music, Faculty of Arts
General Education Teaching Award
Dr Kimmy Cheng, Lecturer of the Department of Communication Studies, School of Communication
Reward and Recognition Scheme for Non-teaching Staff
Individual Award
Miss Mak Sze-nga, Executive Officer of the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences
Dr Alfred Tan, Head of the Knowledge Transfer Office
Exemplary Service Award
Mr Chan Chi-leung, Senior Technical Officer (Supervisory) of the Teaching and Research Division, School of Chinese Medicine
Team Award
HKBU being the first Hong Kong university to win the Grand Prix at the International Inventions Exhibition of Geneva
A Selection Committee chaired by the President and Vice-Chancellor with members comprising the then Vice-President (Academic), Vice-President (Research and Development), Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary and representatives of academic and teaching staff evaluated every single nomination against the selection criteria of each award before deciding on the award recipients.