Online Sinology Fortnightly 2021/22 (Third lecture)

Dr. Li Yiwen
Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong
3:00-4:30 pm, 06 May 2022
To promote academic exchanges of Classical Learning and Sinology within HKBU, the Academy will continue to organize the Sinology Fortnightly series. Every two to three weeks, a scholar, from or outside the university, that specializes in Sinology or Chinese studies, will be invited to host an interactive session with the audience and share his or her research insights and findings in a casual ambience. In view of the pandemic, the series is now conducted online. All are welcome to register for it and join us.
The third lecture is “Exchanges between Tang Merchants and Japanese Monks in the mid-to-late Ninth Century: A Study on Fūsō Sengen Shū and ‘Letters from the Tang People’ ”. This lecture will be delivered by Dr. Li Yiwen, assistant professor in the Department of Chinese and History of the City University of Hong Kong, in Mandarin. In this talk, he will introduce that the mid-to-late ninth century was a crucial period in the Sino-Japanese exchange that set and pioneered its development for the centuries to come. With a particular focus on the poems and correspondences written by the Tang merchants to the Japanese monks, which are collected in Fūsō Sengen Shū 風藻餞言集 and “Letters from the Tang People” 唐人書簡, Dr. Li will look into the exchanges between Japanese monks and Chinese seafaring merchants in the mid-to late-ninth century, uncovering the patterns of liaison and interaction between the two communities as well as the underlying reasons. While it appears that the Buddhist monks often turned to the seafaring merchants for help, the merchants were also drawn to the Buddhist network in which the monks were situated. Their cooperation heralded the beginning of communication and even integration between Buddhist and trade networks, and it went on to leave a footprint in the following centuries.
Website 網站: http://jas.hkbu.edu.hk/ycy.php?page=event/ycy/detail&id=178
Enquiries 查詢: hkbujas@hkbu.edu.hk / 852-34116655
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Zoom ID: 942 1270 7875
Password: hkbujas