Online international symposium: COVID-19 and Beyond, Culturally Speaking
COVID-19 and Beyond, Culturally Speaking is designed to foster a series of conversations that will both clarify the challenges and begin to articulate solutions. The interventions are grouped into 4 broad themes.
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Wenhong ZHANG, Huashan Hospital of Fudan University
Prof. Zhanfeng CUI, Donald Pollock Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Oxford
Ms. Zain VERJEE, Journalist, CEO of Zain Verjee Group
Dr. George HONG, Fordham University
Dr. Zuo-Feng ZHANG, University of California, Los Angeles
Find out more: https://hkbucovidcultureconf.com/
Register now: https://qual-link.hkbu.edu.hk/token/page/main.php?SID=SV_4INYOMSZivCqEYt