Green IoT and Data Analytics for Smart Cities

Dr. Edith Ngai
Associate Professor
Department of Information Technology
Uppsala University
1100-1200, 30 May 2019
SCT909, Cha Chi Ming Science Tower, Ho Sin Hang Campus
Cities around the world are currently under quick transition towards low carbon environment, high quality of living, and resource efficient economy. Internet of Things (IoT) and big data are powering the smart cities of the future by addressing societal challenges, such as air quality, transportation, and energy efficiency. In this talk, we will present our research project, called Green IoT, which provides artificial intelligence and open data for sustainable development. In this project, we developed an intelligent IoT system for air pollution monitoring in Uppsala, Sweden. We will present the system design, testbed development, and data analytics for urban monitoring and prediction. We will further present how distributed machine learning can provide intelligence and resilience for the IoT systems. Finally, we will highlight our on-going research activities on data analytics and machine learning for decision support in smart cities.
Edith Ngai is currently an Associate Professor in Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden. She received her PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007. She was a post-doc in Imperial College London, United Kingdom in 2007-2008. Her research interests include Internet-of-Things, mobile cloud computing, network security and privacy, smart city and urban informatics. She was a guest researcher at Ericsson Research Sweden in 2015-2017. Previously, she was a visiting researcher in Simon Fraser University, Tsinghua University, and UCLA. Edith was a VINNMER Fellow (2009) awarded by Swedish Governmental Research Funding Agency VINNOVA. She served as TPC members in various international conferences, including IEEE ICDCS, IEEE ICC, IEEE Infocom, IEEE Globecom, IEEE/ACM IWQoS, and IEEE CloudCom, etc. She was a program chair of ACM womENcourage 2015, TPC co-chair of IEEE SmartCity 2015, IEEE ISSNIP 2015, and ICNC 2018 Network Algorithm and Performance Evaluation Symposium. She is an Associate Editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions of Industrial Informatics, and IEEE Access. Edith is a Senior Member of ACM and IEEE.