An Overview of NLP and Deep Learning for Healthcare Applications

Prof. Massimo Piccardi
School of Electrical and Data Engineering
University of Technology Sydney
1130-1230, 23 Oct 2017
SCT909, Cha Chi Ming Science Tower, Ho Sin Hang Campus
In this talk, I first provide a very gentle introduction to natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning. I then present some of our recent work in this area, i.e., the named-entity recognition of clinical concepts and drug names with the bidirectional LSTM-CRF. I conclude by discussing a number of other deep architectures for various NLP tasks such as sentence similarity and question answering.
Massimo Piccardi (M.Eng., 1991, Ph.D. Bologna, 1995) is a professor at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) where he serves as a program leader for the Global Big Data Technology Centre, a University-supported task force in communications and big data analytics. His main research areas are video surveillance, multimedia, machine learning, and, more recently, natural language processing. Massimo has published over a hundred and fifty papers to date and is an Associate Editor of journals "Computer Vision and Image Understanding" and "Machine Vision and Applications".