Prof. Lixing ZHU

Contact Information
Tel: 3411 7016
Email: lzhu@hkbu.edu.hk
Website: http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/~lzhu/
Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics
Professor Zhu Lixing is an expert in dimension reduction and statistical inference in regression analysis that are the frontiers in statistics research and applications. Due to the advancement of modern technologies, data with complex and high-dimensional structures are collected; also, in some application fields, data sets can be massive. For such data sets, Professor Zhu is aiming to develop new techniques to reduce dimensionality such that the data can be well modelled along with some novel methods for hypothesis testing in terms of a model adaptation notion such that the powers of constructed tests can be very much enhanced. He is also working on causal inference to study the causality of potential outcomes due to issues such as medical treatment and social policies. Again, he will use his techniques and methodologies to handle complex data and apply the theoretical results to some application scenarios such as medical treatments.