Prof. Kineta HUNG
Contact Information
Tel: 3411 7227
Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Kineta Hung is Professor of the Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research interests have evolved from advertising copy strategy and media studies to a broader range of topics including celebrity endorsement, managing national images, and communication engagement. Recently, she has also developed an interest in health communication and artificial intelligence. Professor Hung is among the world’s 25 most prolific researchers in top advertising journals (2000-2015), as indicated in a recent study. Her works have appeared in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Retailing and Journal of International Marketing. Professor Hung serves on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Advertising (JA) and the International Journal of Advertising (IJA). She is also a member of the Research Committee of the American Academy of Advertising.
Professor Hung is the recipient of five major research grants from the Research Grant Council (RGC) and the Central Policy Unit. She has also received several awards including the Emerald Management Reviews Citations of Excellence. Professor Hung has given academic and executive talks on various advertising topics in Hong Kong, China and overseas. Currently, she is co-authoring a book on Chinese Firms Going Global: Their Impacts, Best Practices, and Implications (Cambridge University Press). Professor Hung is an honorary professor at Communication University of China and is a research fellow at the Contemporary Marketing Centre, Hong Kong University.