Prof. Gladys Pak Lei CHONG

Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing
Gladys Pak Lei Chong is Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University. She received her Ph.D. in Media and Cultural studies and MA (cum laude) in Migration and Ethnic studies from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has taught at the International School of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS), University of Amsterdam and Amsterdam University College (AUC) before joining this department. Her research interests include Chinese governmentality, cultural governance, power relations, process of subjectification, discourse analysis, youth, gender, place making, (techno-)nationalism, digital humanities, social credit, security, innovation and communication technology. She is the author of Chinese Subjectivities and the Beijing Olympics (in the series of Critical Perspectives on Theory, Culture, and Politics [Rowman and Littlefield International], 2017), co-editor of Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices (in the series of Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches [Rowman and Littlefield International], 2020) and Critiquing Communication Innovation: New Media in a Multipolar World (in the series of U.S.-China Relations in the Age of Globalisation [Michigan State University Press], forthcoming). Some of her recently published journal articles have appeared in The Information Society, Chinese Journal of Communication, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, and China Information. Two of her recent research on 1/ youth aspirations, and 2/ technology, security, and risk are funded by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council.