People Listing

Prof. Chun YANG

Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Chair Professor, Academy of Geography, Sociology and International Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Chun YANG is currently Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Professor at the Academy of Geography, Sociology and International Studies of the Faculty, Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research areas fall in urban and regional development, global production networks/global value chains, geographies of innovation and technologies, digital platforms and industrial restructuring, cross-border production networks of transnational corporations, local clusters and foreign investment, cross-border regions and geopolitics of regional governance, China (especially the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area) and Southeast Asia. She has published extensively in internationally peer-reviewed journals such as Economic Geography, Political Geography, Urban Studies, Regional Studies, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Applied Geography, Geoforum, Environmental and Planning A, Environment and Planning C’, Journal of Contemporary China, Eurasian Geography and Economics, etc. Professor Yang is currently recruiting passionate PhD students and Post-doctoral Fellows to participate in undertaking the following research projects and beyond. Interested candidates can send his/her CV and statements to Prof. Yang via email.


  • GRF project: “Evolving Spaces and Scales of Innovation in China: The Emergence of Makerspace Innovation in Digital Fabrication in Shenzhen”
  • NSFC project: “Cross-border Fresh Fruits Production and Trade networks of Chinese Firms in ASEAN in the Context of “One Belt One Road” Initiatives”
  • HKBU Research Development Fund project: “Digital Ageing in the Greater Bay Area: A Comparative Study of the Social Media Platforms Adopted by the Old Adults”