Prof. Alistair Mark COLE
Contact Information
Tel: 3411 5643
Head and Professor, Department of Government and International Studies
Alistair Cole is Head of the Department of Government and International Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. He obtained a 1st in Government and History from the LSE (1980, awarded the Bassett Prize for Political Science) and a D. Phil from Balliol College, Oxford (1986, funded by a BA grant). He held positions in Oxford, Caen, Aston, Keele and Bradford before being named as Professor of European Politics at Cardiff University, Wales, UK in 1999. From 2015-2019, Alistair Cole was Professor of Political Science at the Institute of Political Studies, Lyon, France. He has published extensively, mainly in the field of French, British, and European politics. He has published 20 books (6 single author monographs, 6 co-written monographs, 8 edited or co-edited books), 68 refereed journal articles, 25 professional articles and 62 chapters in edited books. His publications are widely cited (with an H Index of 30 according to Google Scholar). His latest book - Emmanuel Macron and the Two years that Changed France – was published by Manchester University Press in May 2019.
Professor Cole has a proven record in obtaining research funding, with 6 grants in the last ten years (from the ESRC, AHRC, British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, PALSE-IDEX-ANR and as part of a European Commission Jean Monnet network).
Funded projects in the past decade have clustered around questions of trust, transparency, convergence and transfer, each involving conceptualisation in a multi-level and/or transnational context. He continues to work on these questions at HKBU, as they are key to understanding comparative forms of regional integration; intra- and inter-state relationships, civil society and the changing bases of political legitimacy.
His latest project is the FNRA-funded ‘Trust in the Smart City’ (RC-FNRA-19-20/SOSC/01)
Project Highlights
- Inquiry on territorial governance in Brittany and Wales: reanalysis of qualitative data by using CAQDAS in a comparative setting(Article in top SSCI indexed journal)
- Alistair Cole ‘Trust, transparency and transnational lessons from Covid 19’. Webinar (Online Seminar) of Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong. The COVID-19 Crisis Seminar Series - Perspectives from Government and International Studies. Summary of the seminar series can be viewed here.
Supported by the ‘Trust in the Smart City’ project (RC-FNRA-19-20/SOSC/01)
Media Coverage
- ‘Interview with Professor Alistair Cole’ All about Money programme, Hong Kong International Business Channel (9 december 2019)
- ‘BREXIT: la guerre d’usure : trois questions à Alistair Cole’, RCF Radio (17th October 2019)